Friday, July 4, 2008

Motif # 11

Since Aileen has now received her package of 'critters', I can blog about the additional tatting I did for her. When I received her package, there were two different tatted cats in it. So I decided that I would tat each of them a mouse to chase. As the only pattern that I could find was for needletatting, Rita Cochrane translated it for me, and this is what resulted. I had to substitute what I had for the required beads for the noses and since my eyes were the wrong size, I went to my felt material stash and made some.


LadyShuttleMaker aka MadMadPotter said...

I love these little mice! They are fabulous!

Tattycat said...

These are so cute!

Unknown said...

Those are some cute little mice. I love their little flower noses.

Gina said...

Your adaptations are so sweet! What a cute idea and I love the flower nose.
:-) Gina